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The Power of Gratitude: How It Can Transform Your Mindset and Improve Your Relationships
Gratitude is a simple yet profound practice that has the power to transform our lives in remarkable ways. As a mindset and relationship...

The Most Common Mistakes in a Relationship
And how to solve them. The Most Common Mistakes in a Relationship: Lack of trust Lack of intimacy Unresolved conflict Poor communication...

To Love Someone Deeply & Fully, These Things Are Important.
If you want to love someone deeply and fully is to know and accept that they: Will mess up and make mistakes Have their own triggers...

The differences between the way men and women... Talk.
The way men and women… talk. The differences between men and women, it's like we speak different languages, isn’t it? Ladies, you've...

5 Steps on How to Love Again
Are you still trying to move on from your previous relationship? Are you trying to love again? Being broken-hearted is never an easy...

How to cope with disappointment in dating
Stop getting caught up in the fantasy... Stop living in the story you've created in your head. Because this is what we do, right? We...

What are the five love languages?
According to Gary Chapman’s book “The five love languages: the secret to love that lasts” people have different ways to express and receive

How the lack of communication can ruin your relationships
Lack of communication and miscommunication is the most common reason why relationships go under. Communication is one of the most important

13 signs that you’re in a toxic relationship
Do you keep waiting or hoping your partner will change? Does your partner give you the silent treatment? Do you find it hard to trust...

Stop getting caught up in the fantasy...
Stop living in the story you've created in your head. Because this is what we do, right? We might swipe right on someone and connect with...

Are your expectations ruining your relationship?
from the relationship? Are your needs being met? Have you set a list of rules that dictate your level of happiness? The truth is, having...

Individual Goals In a Relationship
It's very easy when in a relationship to think we just have that one goal... Be happy and create a life together... A wonderful thought...

R.E.S.P.E.C.T ... The key to a healthy relationship?
"A great relationship is about two things:
First, find out the similarities. Second, RESPECT the differences."
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