Chelsea is a fantastic coach, she is supportive, genuine and highly skilled at what she does. Without a doubt Chelsea has the ability to take you from where you are to where you want to be.
Stephen Doran

Chelsea offers a professional service helping evaluate and plan to resolve issues and analysis why I was the position I was. Our conversations have helped me personally, professionally and moving forward I can not recommend enough her services.
Simon Love

I reached out to Chelsea after having hit burn out, I had already gone through counseling but still felt I needed something more. What I can say now is that Chelsea taught me how to live again and be the whole me! Chelsea took me to some uncomfortable places but held my hand all the way and her support was invaluable, counseling is good but Life Coaching with Chelsea is immense!
In six months I found the courage to make steps and changes in my life that I never thought possible, I found an inner strength and calm that I had no idea I could have and the issues of the past became purged and cleansed. Today I am forever grateful for my time with Chelsea, her guidance, support, and the tools she taught me to deal with not only the past but the issues of the future have been a game-changer, I now live my whole life.
Sally Brady

I have been coached by Chelsea around two different challenges I was facing in life. At the time I remember feeling they were insurmountable. However, Chelsea quickly identified my blocks and blind spots. She not only helped me identify them but she also gave me the tools and strength to break them down and overcome them. I’m truly grateful Chelsea and I hope to work with this beautiful lady again.
Dr Ruth Miller-Anderson

We cannot recommend Chelsea enough. We enlisted her services for our 15 year old son. He was a confident young lad but we wanted to give him the tools to overcome challenges and drive forward to reach and surpass his goals, whatever they be for the future. The difference in him has been amazing and we saw a great change in attitude especially when it came to school subjects he found challenging or not quite so enjoyable. Great service a big thank you from our family.
Karate Leadership UK

Words cannot describes the journey I went on with Chelsea! I came to her session in the beginning a withdrawn, low confident, lost on my pathway man. She taught me so much about myself, exposed a part of my past that had been buried and forgotten for 25 years! Chelsea gave me so many assets and was fully supportive for the entire journey.
I now live my life to the fullest, I embraced the change and became it, thinking back on how I’ve been for the last 25 years almost seems a blur! I now know my direction!
I absolutely 100% recommend Chelsea if you’re looking to change your life!!!
Simon Williams

I absolutely loved my sessions with Chelsea. She has a very sweet demeanor and is very calm and attentive as a coach but also you know that somewhere inside of her there is a fierce tiger that is going to say it as it is, if that's what you need at the time.
She has become a valued friend and a real leader in terms of what she has to offer the world. I am immensely proud to have worked with her and for her to teach me NLP and get me across the finish line in passing my course. I will be truly grateful forever to her for that.
I have no doubt she will continue to shape and heal the world.
Jason Boorman

Chelsea is an incredible coach, with an uncanny ability to ask the right questions to really make you see things differently and in a much more positive way. Our conversations are always thought provoking and leave me feeling better in so many ways.
Charlotte Mather

What a lady!! Chelsea is truly gifted and talented in the services she offers. A fantastic coach and human being as a whole. I would highly recommend her to anyone who feels trapped and seeks freedom in life. 5 stars well earned.
Thank you Chelsea.
Liza Mitchell
More testimonials can be found on Google.